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Your search for “Science Fiction” returned 87 results

Engineers Find Inspiration for New Materials in Piranha-proof Armor

February 8, 2012

It’s a matchup worthy of a late-night cable movie: put a school of starving piranha and a 300-pound fish together, and who comes out the winner?

Three from UC San Diego Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

April 22, 2021

Three members of the University of California San Diego community, including two professors and one professor emeritus, have been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences—one of the oldest and most esteemed honorary societies in the nation.

UC San Diego Professor Uses Photography to Draw Together Different Disciplines

April 4, 2016

University of California, San Diego Department of Visual Arts Professor Lisa Cartwright has spent her career working across different disciplines.

UC San Diego Artists, Sci-Fi Author Unveil Video Installation for Robot Exhibition in Germany

February 14, 2017

Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination showcases new video installation for an exhibition in Germany that opened on Feb. 11. Sci-fi author Bruce Sterling, who is affiliated with the Clarke Center, gave the opening talk at the “Hello, Robot” exhibition, and Clarke Center director Sheldon Brown led the team…

UC San Diego’s Innovative Researchers to Explain Why They Do What They Do at Founders’ Symposium

November 15, 2012

…what we thought was science fiction yesterday a reality tomorrow. I also really enjoy solving problems that require perspectives from the intersection of many disciplines, especially when it provides fundamentally new capabilities that we could have never imagined. For example, our research on tattoo electronics is blurring the distinction between…

2019: A Space Organoid

July 8, 2019

UC San Diego will launch a payload of stem cell-derived human brain organoids to the International Space Station. Researchers will document how these “mini brains” organize into the beginnings of a functional brain with implications for the future of human life in space.

New Research Helps Explain the Genetic Basis of Why We Look the Way We Do

November 10, 2021

Comparing features of a common laboratory fruit fly with its rarer cousin collected from Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park, UC San Diego researchers used CRISPR technology to uncover clues about how high-level control genes called Hox genes shape our appearance.

AI Chatbot ChatGPT Mirrors Its Users to Appear Intelligent

March 17, 2023

In a new paper relevant to artificial intelligence and ChatGPT, Professor Terrence Sejnowski explores the relationship between the human interviewer and language models to uncover why chatbots respond in particular ways, why those responses vary and how to improve them in the future.

Arts and engineering students collaborate in new course at UC San Diego

April 1, 2016

Students from a structural engineering and a visual arts class are working together, shoulder to shoulder, on a collaborative final project despite the fact that they are in different classes. This visual arts and engineering mashup is happening in the new EnVision Maker Studio at UC San Diego and involves…

How to Write Better: Inside Investigative Journalist Will Carless’ Award-Winning Career

February 15, 2024

A featured instructor with the UC San Diego Extended Studies Creative Writing program, where he teaches Writer’s Art of Interviewing and News and Feature Writing, Will Carless feels a civic obligation to uncover the truth to ensure fairness, accuracy, transparency, and accountability.

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