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Your search for “Exhibit” returned 479 results

Research Directors Highlight Their Contributions

November 8, 2012

…and Khosla, and trade-show-style exhibits and demonstrations by the ORU directors. In her introduction, Brown praised the research units as “pillars of multidisciplinary, trans-campus scholarship and engines of entrepreneurial initiative,” and noted that the units are the principal home to hundreds of self-supported research scientists who bring tens of millions…

Compounds in Desert Creosote Bush Could Treat Giardia and “Brain-eating” Amoeba Infections

August 15, 2017

…a desert plant common to the Southwestern United States, exhibit potent anti-parasitic activity against the protozoa responsible for giardia infections and an amoeba that causes an often-lethal form of encephalitis.

Scripps-developed Landers Provide New View of Ocean Floor

April 17, 2012

…DOV lander is now on display in a new exhibit, “Creatures of Light: Nature’s Bioluminescence,” at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Another is scheduled for display in the Monaco Pavilion at the upcoming Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea international exposition.

AIDS Quilt Displayed at UC San Diego in Recognition of World AIDS Day

November 21, 2011

World AIDS Day will be recognized by the University of California, San Diego with a variety of programs from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Dec. 1, including a public viewing of portions of the AIDS Memorial Quilt.

Science and Engineering Fans Take Over PETCO Park

March 27, 2012

…taste. There were booths exhibiting creatures from the sea, explorations into space and the science and engineering of the human body. New this year, UC San Diego’s department of bioengineering organized the Home Run Science Challenge, an EXPO DAY activity that challenged students to “run the bases” by learning key…

UC San Diego Professors Host Conference on Refugees and War

April 21, 2017

The first “Militarism & Migration” academic conference will be presented in the City Heights neighborhood — historically serving as the home for the majority of resettled refugees in the city — April 21-23 at the East African Community and Cultural Center.

Art and Science Have a Chat in ‘ANOMALIA’

February 14, 2012

…premise for the “ANOMALIA” exhibition at the University Art Gallery Feb. 16 through May 18. The show’s title stems from the Latin root for “anomaly,” or irregularity. The exhibition brings anomalous findings to the forefront and features four international contemporary artists whose work engages scientific models of research and representation:…

UC San Diego Gears up for Dr. Seuss Birthday Party on March 2 —There Will Be Cake!!

February 24, 2017

At the University of California San Diego, plans are underway for one of the campus’s favorite traditions—the annual birthday party held on March 2 for beloved author, artist, and cartoonist Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. This year marks the author’s 113th birthday, a celebration that coincides with…

Golden Age of Piracy to be Explored in Oct. 20 Talk at UCSD’s Geisel Library

October 14, 2011

If the thought of pirates conjures up images of Captain Hook, forced plank-walkings, and bad boy pirate of the Caribbean Johnny Depp, it’s time to give pirates a more serious look. Contrary to popular stereotypes, pirates of the early modern period were more than rum-soaked villains of the sea. In…

New Research Unlocks Mysteries of Soupfin Shark Migration and Reproduction

March 3, 2021

A seven-year tracking study of California’s soupfin sharks has yielded a first for science. Scripps and USD researcher Andy Nosal found that these sharks return to the same waters off La Jolla every three years, the first documented evidence of triennial philopatry in any animal.

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