November 29, 2022
November 29, 2022 —
A vibrant carnival marked a special milestone–the 20th anniversary of UC San Diego’s Sixth College. The “Festival on the Green” was one of several events held in honor of the occasion throughout the fall quarter.
January 18, 2018
January 18, 2018 —
…Anthony Davis from the Department of Music, with saxophonist and longstanding Mingus band member Charles McPherson. The discussion precedes two performances of “Mingus Dynasty: Tijuana Moods,” Jan. 21 at CECUT in Tijuana and Jan. 22 at Athenaeum Jazz at The Scripps Research Institute. On Feb. 1, the second Helen Edison…
October 11, 2011
October 11, 2011 —
San Diego’s original chamber music series Camera Lucida returns for its fourth season, offering concerts ranging from lesser-known masterpieces to familiar landmarks of the chamber music repertoire.
January 21, 2016
January 21, 2016 —
…violence in America. The Department of Music faculty members were among 46 winners out of a pool of 2,500 artist applicants who proposed bold, innovative and genre-stretching projects in the areas of Literature, Performing Arts and Emerging Fields. Susan Narucki “I’m truly honored that Inheritance has been chosen from many…
May 7, 2020
May 7, 2020 —
…Central Park Five’ Opera Department of Music Distinguished Professor is third UC San Diego faculty member to receive prestigious award When composer Anthony Davis began creating an opera based on the 1989 case of five black and Latino men falsely convicted of a horrific crime in New York City—famously dubbed…
February 1, 2024
February 1, 2024 —
A graduate of UC Riverside with a bachelor’s degree in business economics, Rochelle manages financials and funds at the Department of Music. In this profile she talks about music, what she loves about UC San Diego and her perfect unscheduled day.
November 29, 2018
November 29, 2018 —
…supporting research by internationally-recognized Department of Urology Chair Christopher Kane, M.D.; creating an endowed faculty fellowship at the Rady School of Management; and helping to underwrite “Inheritance,” a chamber opera staged by music professors about gun violence in America that debuted in October. “It is a time of remarkable potential…
October 11, 2018
October 11, 2018 —
…series features dance, global music, jazz and more ArtPower doesn’t settle for ordinary. During this season’s performances, you can expect the stage to be transformed into an instrument and emotions to take vivid form as soulful folk and impassioned poetic verse. Rather than idly watching, audience members will be treated…
November 17, 2016
November 17, 2016 —
…leading composers of new music. Liang’s concert, which features fellow UC San Diego Department of Music faculty members Steven Schick (conductor) and Mark Dresser (contrabass), includes the world premiere of “Lakescape V,” a Miller Theatre co-commission. Also on the program: the New York premiere of “Luminous” (2014), Ascension (2008) and…
March 19, 2015
March 19, 2015 —
…all majors, creeds and musical abilities. Led by the department of music’s Ken Anderson, who has directed the choir for 27 years, students learn songs by rote and perform about a dozen concerts across campus and the community each quarter. For the past two years, Anderson has been named among…