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Your search for “Opioid Addiction” returned 23 results

Qualcomm Institute-based Startup Receives Funding to Continue Development of Opioid Sensor

August 6, 2020

CARI Therapeutics has received additional funding from the National Institute of Drug Abuse to refine their tiny implantable biosensor that could help combat the deadly and destructive opioid crisis in the United States.

Two Novel Biobanks Offer Investigatory Targets for Cocaine and Oxycodone Addiction

April 26, 2021

Researchers have created to novel biobanks of diverse tissues from animals to further explore the biological bases and consequences of addiction to cocaine and oxycodone.

NIH Award Advances the Study of Young and Developing Brains

October 14, 2021

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded researchers at University of California San Diego approximately $30 million over five years to expand and deepen longitudinal studies of the developing brain in children.

UC San Diego Conference to Address Alternatives to the U.S.-Mexico War on Drugs

February 2, 2018

…the U.S.-Mexican border­­­­­­­­­­­­­­. In the last sixteen years, the opioid epidemic has claimed close to 125,000 lives in the U.S., whereas in Mexico the war on drugs has produced an estimated 200,000 deaths and over 30,000 disappearances in the last decade.

Early Life Exposure to Nicotine Alters Neurons, Predisposes Brain to Addiction Later in Life

May 21, 2019

Neonatal exposure to nicotine alters the reward circuity in the brains of newborn mice, increasing their preference for the drug in later adulthood, report researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine in a published study.

Single Injection Alleviates Chemotherapy Pain for Months in Mice

May 29, 2018

UC San Diego School of Medicine researchers found that treating mice with a single spinal injection of a protein called AIBP — and thus switching “off” TLR4, a pro-inflammatory molecule — prevented and reversed inflammation and cellular events associated with pain processing. As reported May 29 by Cell Reports, the…

Psychedelic Revolution

November 2, 2023

Psychedelic research has taken place at UC San Diego since the 1970s. But today, thanks to an interdisciplinary team from departments all across campus, that research has expanded to include human clinical trials exploring a range of treatments including chronic pain and mental health.

The Psychedelic Science of Pain

May 21, 2020

…including depression, anxiety and addiction. In 2018, the FDA assigned psilocybin a Breakthrough Therapy Designation. In response, UC San Diego’s Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination organized a new collaboration with groups across campus, including the Center for Human Frontiers at the Qualcomm Institute and the Departments of Anesthesiology…

HIV and a Tale of a Few Cities

August 17, 2018

In a pair of new modeling studies, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, with international colleagues, examined how policy reform in terms of drug decriminalization (in Mexico) and access to drug treatment (in Russia) might affect two regions hard hit by the HIV pandemic: Tijuana, Mexico…

Massive Study Links Nearly 600 Genomic Regions to Self-Regulating Behaviors

August 26, 2021

Researchers identified 579 locations in the human genome associated with a predisposition to self-regulation-related behaviors, such as addiction. With data from 1.5 million people of European descent, the effort is one of the largest genome-wide association studies to date.

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