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Your search for “digital information” returned 460 results

UC San Diego Researchers Take a Digital Snapshot of an Ancient Infant Burial Site

December 20, 2021

Researchers based at the UC San Diego Qualcomm Institute and Jacobs School of Engineering have digitally recreated, in painstaking detail, the oldest documented European burial of an infant female.

UCTV Launches New Stem Cell Channel

June 6, 2019

…that’s channels 135 (Cox Digital), 1231 (Spectrum Digital) or 99 (AT&T). The Stem Cell Channel is also available via UCTV’s iPhone app or online at Stem cells are special for two main reasons: 1) They self-renew, making a nearly limitless supply of themselves and 2) they can differentiate, or…

Raising an Army of Armchair Activists?

March 4, 2014

Social media may fuel unprecedented civic engagement. Digital networks might make possible mass protest and revolution – think “Arab Spring.” But sometimes and maybe even most of the time, a new study suggests, the accomplishments of online activism are much more modest.

Touch Goes Digital

September 5, 2013

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego report a breakthrough in technology that could pave the way for digital systems to record, store, edit and replay information in a dimension that goes beyond what we can see or hear: touch.

ArtPower! at UC San Diego Announces First Annual Filmatic Festival

March 20, 2014

…screenings, interactive film-based performances, digital media workshops, and industry expert panels to the campus of the University of California, San Diego for four days of media exploration and creation in late April. Produced by ArtPower! and curated by some of San Diego’s leading film curators and media artists, the festival…

How to Reduce Obesity among Latino Children, with Precision

July 7, 2021

Researchers at UC San Diego Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute have received $3 million to create a precision, community-based program to address specific health problems related to adverse childhood experiences that contribute to childhood obesity among Latinos.

‘Dinner in the Library’ to Benefit UC San Diego Libraries Sept. 15

August 23, 2011

The University of California, San Diego Libraries will host their annual “Dinner in the Library” Sept. 15 to benefit the Libraries’ collections and services.

Political Scientist Sam Popkin to Speak Nov. 1 on the Race to Win the White House

October 18, 2012

Timely behind-the-scenes insights into the current presidential campaign and those of past challengers will be offered by Samuel Popkin, noted political scientist and author, during a free lecture at noon, Nov. 1, in the Geisel Library at UC San Diego.

UC San Diego Library and San Diego Natural History Museum Collaborate to Raise Awareness

August 11, 2022

…of some of these digital resources inspired the Library to host the Art of Science contest. “The Art of Science contest gave me the opportunity to articulate my research in an accessible manner,” said Anne Lyons, 2022 Art of Science contest winner and doctoral student at the Department of Bioengineering…

Facebook Beats Books - and Faces - in Memory Test

January 15, 2013

If this were a Facebook post, you would remember it – better than a stranger’s face or a line from a published book.

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