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Your search for “Signaling Compartmentation” returned 7 results

Liquid Droplets Shape How Cells Respond to Change

April 22, 2024

New research by scientists at University of California San Diego has shown that cells regulate cAMP/PKA signaling by forming liquid droplets that segregate excess PKA catalytic subunits where they can do no harm. Some cancers may block the formation of liquid droplets, leading to hyperactive signaling and tumor formation.

Non-Coding RNA Relocates Genes When It’s Time To Go To Work

November 10, 2011

Cells develop and thrive by turning genes on and off as needed in a precise pattern, a process known as regulated gene transcription. In a paper published in the November 9 issue of the journal Cell, researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine say this process…

Model Maps Out Molecular Roots of Learning and Memory Formation

September 6, 2016

A team of researchers has built a mathematical model that describes the molecular events associated with the beginning stage of learning and memory formation in the human brain. The research paves the way for understanding cognitive function and neurodegenerative diseases—at the molecular and cellular levels.

Dysfunctional Endosomes are Early Sign of Neurodegeneration

April 11, 2016

Writing in the April 11 issue of The Journal of Clinical Investigation, researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine say abnormalities in a protein that helps transport and sort materials inside cells are linked to axonal dysfunction and degeneration of neurons in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Down…

Four UC San Diego Undergraduates Receive Undergraduate Library Research Prize

September 30, 2011

Four undergraduate students at the University of California, San Diego have received the 2011 Undergraduate Library Research Prize for their outstanding research skills. The prize, which is co-sponsored by the UC San Diego Libraries, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, and the UCSD Alumni Association, includes cash awards of $1000…

A Map for the Sense of Smell

January 28, 2022

Our sensory systems provide us with immediate information about the world around us. Researchers have created the first sensory map for smell. The map details how the fruit fly’s olfactory receptor neurons, the components that sense smell, are organized within the insect’s sensory hairs.

Tissue-Specific Immunity May Be the Future, if We Can First Learn its Rules

December 28, 2022

UC San Diego study reveals critical insights into the complex biology of tissue-specific T cells, paving the way for a new branch of precision therapeutics in immunity, autoimmunity, and cancer.

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