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Your search for “DNA Sequencing” returned 241 results

Decoding the Genome’s Cryptic Language

February 24, 2017

…new tool to identify RNA-DNA interactions. The tool can provide a full account of all the RNA molecules that interact with a segment of DNA, as well as the locations of all these interactions — in just a single experiment. The research is a step toward identifying new functions and…

Engineers Develop a New Biosensor Chip for Detecting DNA Mutations

June 14, 2016

…an electrical graphene chip capable of detecting mutations in DNA. Researchers say the technology could one day be used in various medical applications such as blood-based tests for early cancer screening, monitoring disease biomarkers and real-time detection of viral and microbial sequences.

Program Predicts Placement of Chemical Tags that Control Gene Activity

September 22, 2014

…marks that control the activity of genes based on sequences of DNA. They describe their analysis and report results from its application to human embryonic cells in a paper published in Nature Methods online September 21.

Artificial Intelligence Catalyzes Gene Activation Research and Uncovers Rare DNA Sequences

May 18, 2023

Biologists have used machine learning, a type of AI, to identify “synthetic extreme” DNA sequences with specifically designed functions in gene activation. They tested 50 million DNA sequences and found synthetic DNA sequences with activities that could be useful in biotechnology and medicine.

Supercomputer Simulations Show How DNA Prepares Itself for Repair

June 25, 2020

Researchers from Harvard University and the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston recently used the Comet supercomputer at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California San Diego to uncover the novel ways in which DNA prepares itself for repair.

Researchers Sequence Dark Matter of Life

September 19, 2011

Researchers have developed a new method to sequence and analyze the dark matter of life—the genomes of thousands of bacteria species previously beyond scientists’ reach, from microorganisms that produce antibiotics and biofuels to microbes living in the human body.

Artificial Intelligence Aids Gene Activation Discovery

September 9, 2020

With the aid of artificial intelligence, UC San Diego scientists have solved a long-standing puzzle in human gene activation. The discovery described in the journal Nature could be used to control gene activation in biotechnology and biomedical applications.

Researchers Assemble the First Complete Human Genome

March 31, 2022

An international research team, including University of California San Diego computer scientists, has published the first complete genome. The work was done by the Telomere to Telomere (T2T) consortium, and six papers describing the project will be published April 1 in a special edition of Science.

UC San Diego Biologists Unlock Code Regulating Most Human Genes

January 24, 2017

Molecular biologists at UC San Diego have unlocked the code that initiates transcription and regulates the activity of more than half of all human genes, an achievement that should provide scientists with a better understanding of how human genes are turned on and off.

Biosensor Chip Detects Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Wirelessly and With Higher Sensitivity

July 9, 2018

A team led by the University of California San Diego has developed a chip that can detect a type of genetic mutation known as a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and wirelessly send the results in real time to an electronic device. The chip is at least 1,000 times more sensitive…

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